Message from Superintendent Glen Szymoniak
March 7, 2025
Dear KCSD families,
Due to closure days because of inclement weather, our schools need to make up lost instructional hours to meet state requirements and to ensure our students receive the class time they need to be successful academically.
To accomplish this, KCSD will implement the following*:
· For all KCSD schools, beginning Monday, March 31, the school day will be extended by 14 minutes for the remainder of the school year. Start times will remain the same, and bus schedules will be adjusted accordingly. Note: On Fridays, the 14 minutes will be added to the current early release time so students will be released 46 minutes early instead of one hour early.
· All KCSD junior high and high school students (7th-12th-grades) will have an instructional school day on Thursday, March 20, a previously scheduled no-school day because of parent-teacher conferences. Parent-teacher conferences will still be held in the evening on this day.
· Due to additional lost instruction hours from wildfire, illness, and water shutoff issues, Chiloquin and Gilchrist junior/senior high schools may need to schedule additional make-up time. We will provide updates when more information is available.
(*Pending KCSD Board of Directors approval of an amended 2024-25 school calendar on March 13, 2025)
We appreciate the Klamath County Education Association and the Klamath County Association of Classified Employees for collaborating with the district to ensure students receive additional instructional time. Thank you to our families for your support and flexibility as we make these schedule changes. If you have any questions about your student’s schedule, please contact your school directly.
Glen Szymoniak
Klamath County School District